Sunday, September 20, 2009

About Destination Wedding Invitations

A destination wedding is very different from a traditional wedding. Because of that there is a lot of questions about Destination Wedding Invitations that we will try to answer in the rest of this article.

1. How early should you send them ? The invitations for destination weddings should be sent not less than two months in advance. Guests need time to book their flights and hotels, and maybe to ask permission at work. In addition, they will be able to find better prices if they purchase their flight tickets long time before the wedding.

2. What information should I include in them? There is no need to add anything special to destination wedding invitations. Information such as travel information, guest lodging can be sent by e-mail to the guests that confirm they will attend. If you have a Wedding Website, you can post that information there. In addition, you can offer your guests to be able to book their flights or hotel rooms directly from your Website.

3. When should the response deadline be set? It would be good to know the exact number of guests 20-30 days before the wedding. However, there will always be people confirming in the last minute.

4. If you are having a destination wedding, are you allowed to put on your invitation, gifts not necessary? You should not include that in your invitation, but you can include a separate card in the same envelope saying that no gifts are wanted. However, if you do not like that solution, you should not worry because it is standard for guests of this type of weddings not to bring gifts because traveling is involved.

5. How do you tactfully word an invitation and ask guest to pay for their own accommodations? You do not need to do that, you only need to pay travel for wedding party members, but not for guests. However, you may include information about hotel prices on a card included in the invitation. It is a good way to let your guests know you are not paying for that.

These are the five top questions about destination wedding invitations. Destination Weddings are becoming popular and invitations are a very important part of them.

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